Mother’s Day is just around the corner as a mompreneur, I visited AZTV to show off some fantastic new products out there for the new mom, most of which are also made by moms!! 

First up, I had to show off the BoogieBulb! It is the only “cleanable and reusable” medical grade baby nasal aspirator on the market. The BoogieBulb nasal aspirator can be easily cleaned by twisting apart the aspirator and is clinically proven to prevent the transfer of mucus or other bacterial germs and other viral content which is unlike a traditional bulb syringe that cannot come apart for easy cleaning and eliminates mold and bacteria growth that collects inside a traditional bulb syringe.

The other items I took on the show with me are from one of my favorite go-to baby shower stores is BabyLux a local baby boutique at DC Ranch and Gainey Village. Check out these cool items you can find there!

Mittens + teether! Talk about genius! Mitteez was created by a mom of four and is an organic teether for babies! The Teething Mitten is secured by an adorable PeaBear character rattle wrist wrap toy providing stimulation and entertainment and the bonus it’s removable so it’s the perfect babies first keepsake! Just like BoogieBulb, Mitteez is Doctor recommended and approved. It is interchangeable for either hand, lightweight anti-bacterial mitt gives baby something to chew on to help prevent thumb sucking and also absorbs drool. The teether is 100% non-toxic, and is handmade from food grade safe silicone, high quality bamboo and organic cotton Terrycloth!
Three Hearts Apparel was a creation from being a new mom obsessed in finding the coolest clothes and accessories. She wanted to create modern teething accessories that are cute and affordable! These teething products are made with 100% BPA free silicone and all natural beech wood.
Indestructibles are books created by a mom of triplets who wanted to share books with her babies, hassle-free. Because they are waterproof, tear-resistant, and baby-durable, they are the perfect books for babies who “read” with their little hands and mouths. They are chew-proof, rip-proof, and drool-proof, they’re printed on a unique 100% nontoxic, paperlike material that holds up to anything babies can throw at it—gumming, spilling, dragging across the floor. And if they get dirty, just wash them off.
As a mom, one of the worst things on top of a baby with a cold is a baby who won’t take medicine! Pacidose is an amazing invention created by a doctor and mother! Pacidose is a safe and soothing baby medicine dispenser that helps young children who struggle with taking medicine. It attaches directly to the syringe–no transferring or wasted medicine.
Other cool products include these:
Warmies Cozy Plush are basically magic stuffed animals. They’re warm, they’re soft and they’re lavender scented! They’re super easy to use. You just pop the stuffed animal in the microwave (yep, the entire thing) for about 30-45 seconds, more or less for different microwaves. You can squish/shake it to mix the filling and make sure its evenly warmed. Puts them right to sleep!! 
You can even put it in the fridge for a boo boo!!
The Comotomo is a Silicone Baby Bottle shaped like momComotomo bottles help reduce the instances where baby might refuse the bottle; plus, the silicone-based, mounded body comforts with its soft, pliable feel made to closely mimic natural breastfeeding.
You can find the BoogieBulb online and all additional products at BabyLux a local Arizona baby boutique located at DC Ranch and Gainey Village. *Comotomo bottles not available at BabyLux – found online only. 
I will be posting the segment very soon if you didn’t get to watch it live!