Baby Nasal Aspirator

February is the month of love where couples spend their significant moments together. Traveling, doing adventurous activities, romantic date nights…you get the gist. It’s no surprise then that September is one of the most popular months for pregnancies. According to statistics, the demand and interest regarding ideas for baby shower gifts are at a peak during this month of the year. It’s a trending topic every year – and this year is no different. A baby shower is a joyful celebration and the best way to make it even better is to accompany it with an astonishing present. Looking for a cute gift is not difficult, especially with the internet, because there are a lot of interesting baby stuff and baby accessories out there. Sometimes that is a part of the problem – we have so many options it becomes very difficult to figure out what to purchase. The key is to find something that’s valuable, special, personal and a great keepsake that will be treasured.

If you want your gift to be noteworthy, think of it as an opportunity to let the parent-to-be feel that their little angel is precious and important to you. It’s like giving hope that the next phase of their life will be more thrilling with many wonders and exciting experiences.

Baby shower guests, do you need help picking out that perfect practical present? To save you time searching and agonizing over gift selections, we have chosen a couple of products that are unique gifts for tots. Listed below are the 7 baby shower gifts that we’ve scoured the web to present to you.

In every precious moment you partake with your baby, this wearable blanket suits your lovable and adorable little angels. No more sleepless nights – especially on those cool nights. This Halo SleepSack was designated as the #1 Safe Sleep Product gold seal by First Candle/SIDS Alliance. No more buttons, just one zip and it will keep your baby warm. It makes baby changing easy. It’s a snug blanket that will perfectly fit your little one so that they won’t get mussed up. The item is soft and luxurious and provides just the right amount of comfort for your babies. They can’t kick the blanket off and it ensures your baby will sleep safe and sound throughout the night. It’s not so tight that’s why it will not hinder the proper breathing of your baby.

To hear and see your baby giggle makes it all worth it, right mom? This modern color combination play mat has a soft quilt bottom and is designed to let your baby enjoy leisure time. It has accessories like a dangling monkey toy, wind chime and teether to provide a fun jungle feel for your little one. It has three musical tunes and lights to energize your baby while having a good time. Gymini Monkey Island was established to develop plenty of activities. Cushioned for the welfare of your infant, its pad is squishy and will keep your baby superbly engaged while having fun. It’s versatile for when your baby gets tired and falls to sleep, because the pad is firm but pliable fabric and adjustable to meet the needs of your infant. The dual purpose of the toy is to allow your baby to play and rest. Aside from making your tots jubilant, it also makes your life easy because the pad is machine washable and super easy to fold.

Not sure about the gender of your baby? Many families are choosing to wait for the gender reveal – seems everyone wants to be surprised about the new edition. No worries, we have the perfect gift for you. This gift is great for the early weeks of your little one. The Creative Zutano line includes caps, sleep gowns, leggings and footie pajamas for infants up to 13 pounds. The clothing line has harmonious prints and a touch of vivid colors which work well for both boys and girls. You can’t go wrong with this as it is unisex. So if you don’t have any idea about the gender, pick this one. Selecting tiny little outfits like this really enhance all of the most adorable aspects of your new edition. Baby clothes are one of the best gifts you can give especially when the outfit matches from head to toe. Sometimes you have to change outfits on little ones three or four times in a day and it is nice to have a little bit of variety when shifting them in and out of those outfits. One of the best things about this gift is that it can keep on giving. If families end up having additional babies, this gift can be used again at a later date. These types of gifts are also great even if you don’t expect to have more children because there are lots of moms out there that you can pass these types of outfits on to. Everybody wins.

It’s challenging for new moms when it’s time to breastfeed in public. That is why this next item caught our eye – a cute breastfeeding-friendly outfit. Something that will not sacrifice your fashion style all the while protecting your modesty. Pirose Motherhood provides an incognito nursing cover which is twistable, which means you can use it to discreetly feed your baby in public. It’s a scarf or a shawl that comes with a chic pattern and can easily complement your regular wardrobe. It’s effortless to wear and it absolutely doesn’t skimp on material. The poncho-type design gives you confidence and makes you feel comfortable when you have to breastfeed your baby in public. Because the material is lightweight, it can easily fold up and be carried in your bag. No more hesitations on your part when breastfeeding anywhere and your little ones will no longer have to waste away while you seek out an area that is safe to breastfeed in.

These days it is possible to capture every moment of your infant’s day – even when you’re not around. Those comical, funny, crazy and weird facial expressions of your infant can now be captured and immortalized. The Levana ERA Advanced Digital Video baby monitor helps you collect unexpected moments of your baby’s day and upload them to your computer. While your little angel is sleeping, the subtle nuances of all of your baby’s facial expressions can be snapped by the camera in an instant. Additionally, this monitor gives you an extra set of eyes and ears so that you can multitask on your daily responsibilities while keeping an eye on your kiddo. It’s safe and wise to have this kind of device for your baby’s own sake. It’s like spying your baby’s breathing, body positions and how well they are sleeping. It assists you in checking out your baby even when you’re sleeping too.

There’s a quotation that says “two not just one means double fun”. Some parents-to-be wish to have baby twins for it feels like a duet of happiness is in your home. But carrying the twins around all the time when walking around malls and parks or visiting your relatives will stress you out and can cause moderate pain for your back and legs. Your back, your arms and even your hips can be affected by this double-duty kid carrying. Luckily, we have a solution for moms of multiples that are excited to have outdoor time with their babies. The Phil & Teds Explorer is a double seat sturdy stroller that’s good for newborn to age six. It’s three-wheeled design lets you carry your twins as you roam around shopping, walking, jogging or just visiting with friends. This single stroller that carries both of your babies is much easier to manage than having two individual strollers (one for each baby). The stroller is hassle-free and it offers an easy solution to your multiple baby transportation needs. As an added bonus the second seat has a sun visor to protect your baby that is easy to use and stow. The twins will surely experience a smooth and undisturbed ride.


Cleanable Baby Nasal Aspirator

This last gift idea might give you impressions that it is “gross” or your mind screams “ew”, but looking beyond it, a snot sucker (yes, I just said snot sucker) is a must-have for every mom and infant. There’s a lot of gunk in our baby’s nose and we don’t want to hear them crying because they can’t breathe comfortably. We can’t afford to see them going through that. Remember that babies don’t know to blow their own noses yet. While this fact is well known to veteran moms, the inevitable baby stuffy nose is not one of those things that new moms think about until they have a sick baby. To remove or reduce the mucous safely, this baby nose sucker is a big help without irritating the child. Nowadays, there are many variations of nasal aspirators but we really like this cleanable snot sucker. Other than cleaning their nose so they can breathe easily, it will enable the babies to feed easier and allow them to sleep well. Keep in mind that having a clogged nose affects the breathing and eating of your tots. The best nasal aspirators should work efficiently, hygienically and be easy to clean. This gift is best for ages 0-3.

Baby showers are a special time of bonding and a lot of thought goes into finding the perfect gift for the mom-to-be. Looking for these gifts can be entertaining, overwhelming and fascinating yet at the end of the process we have to whittle all of the possible gifts down to our final selection. Hopefully our recommended 7 Baby Shower Gifts provide you with a couple of fun ideas that you can use for your next baby shower.