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Using Essential Oils to Treat Colds and Flu

Infant Baby Nasal Aspirator

Using essential oils  to help sick children or adults have been around for many years. We will address causes of sickness and methods of treating viruses with essential oils. 

Virus is the major cause of cold and flu. The most notable form of this infection is the common cold, which is typically a chest cold and head cold. A cold usually presents itself with symptoms like a sore throat, runny nose, congestion, and cough. In the case of the flu, it comes with fever, headache and muscle soreness in addition to the symptoms of a common cold. All these symptoms could range from mild to severe. In some cases, the symptoms typically begin two days after exposure to the virus and most last less than a week. The only difference is that a cough may last for two weeks or longer.

The key to beating this virus is treating the systems and getting away from it before it gets into full swing. There is a need to combat it with antibiotics and an antiviral drug or natural composition. Some essential oils have been found to contain antibiotics and antiviral elements which are potent enough to treat cold and flu. The advantage of using a natural element, such as an oil, is that a patient can rest easy regarding the source of the drug. Most essential oils are safe for use and many have no side effects.

Some of the essential oils being used to treat cold and flu symptoms are lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary, tea tree, and thyme – which are considered immune stimulants. Other oils such as eucalyptus, garlic, sandalwood, cinnamon, lavender, German Chamomile, peppermint and even orange have also been found to be helpful in the treatment of viruses and colds. These oils are concentrated extracts that have been distilled from aromatic trees, herbs, and grasses. They are located in leaves, stems, fruits, roots, flowers, and even the bark of several plants. Studies have shown that one of the reasons these oils are so important for the human body is they can help build up human immune systems against bacteria, fungi, and infections. Some of them are usually applied directly to the skin of the patient; others are diffused into the air. It has been noted that such oils that are strong enough to kill a virus should be handled with a great care. Typically oils such as oregano and thyme have caustic properties and are very strong and can burn the skin if not applied with a transfer oil (usually coconut oil). The volatile aromatic properties of an essential oil make it quickly interact with olfactory and limbic sensors in the nose whenever it moves through the air.

Peppermint Oil
The scientific name also called botanical name is Mentha piperita. This is a potent oil that contains essential anti-viral nutrients to treat the attack of cold and flu in the body. It can reduce coughs, sinusitis, and throat infections. Peppermint oil can be used in a steam inhaler, but not where babies or young children are present. Peppermint also has other capabilities to build the body against diseases like tumors and allergic reactions to seasonal allergies as it contains anti-allergy, anti-tumor and anti-fungi properties. Menthol is one of the essential compounds of peppermint. Peppermint menthol has a stimulating effect against flu and cold. Muscle pains or spasms, which are found to be an effect of flu, can be helped by the application of peppermint oil. Peppermint also contains a number of volatile organic oils, and it works as a calcium blocker. Studies have shown that the smooth muscle in the blood vessels needs calcium to contract; by blocking calcium, the muscle relaxes.

The winter season is when the majority of people are susceptible to cold. The menthol in peppermint oil helps to reduce the cold when inhaled or applied to the skin and applying it on the forehead can help relieve headaches for people suffering from the flu as well as those suffering from migraines. Furthermore, inhaling the menthol in peppermint oil helps people with stuffy noses to breath more easily. According to Raising Natural Kids, peppermint oil should be avoided on children under the age of 6.  For little children, it is advisable to use a snot sucker to remove mucus from a stuffy nose.

Uses of Snot sucker
Both adults and children are prone to the flu or cold attack. One of the most common and less severe symptoms of the flu is nasal congestion. While trying to relieve the pressure on the nose, a snot sucker is used to remove mucus. A snot sucker is one of the safest ways of removing mucus from a child’s stuffed nose. Most snot suckers are not cleanable, but BoogieBulb provides bulbs that can be disassembled and cleaned out after each use. This prevents reinfection and dissemination of the virus that causes the infection.

Orange Essential Oil
Orange is another natural element to beat cold and flu. Oranges are a good source of Vitamin C and have been found to contain vitamins that actively fight against cold and influenza. Vitamins and minerals are an active part of building immune systems in the body. An orange contains the following essential vitamins which help in the fight for flu and cold.

• Vitamin D – A hormone precursor, it is important to build up the Vitamin D level in the body to support the general health and immune system. It helps in the cellular development and also the development and protection of many organs. This vitamin is finally getting recognition as a necessary nutrient for health. Optimizing Vitamin D levels can help prevent illness in the first place, and taking foods rich in this vitamin daily while sick can help speed recovery. An orange supplies a certain level of Vitamin D which is good for flu and cold.
• Vitamin C – Perhaps the best vitamin for cold and flu, vitamin C in large amounts can greatly speed recovery. Vitamin C has long been known to be effective in the treatment of a cough, sore throat and runny nose which are all indications of cold and flu. The effect of building an immune system is only the source of its power to act against a cold. For instance, if the cold weather or stress has impaired your immune systems, the Vitamin C in an orange can be of help by supporting your white blood cells – the backbone of the immune system.

Distributors of Essential Oils

doTerra Oil
doTerra is a Latin word that is derived from “gift of the earth.” doTerra essential oils are composed of a complex blend of chemical constituents. doTerra is an international organization that produces and distributes exceptionally high quality Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG ) essential oils through more than three million independent distributors around the world. doTerra oil has an aromatic quality similar to what is found in other essential oils. While the company seeks to improve life all around the world, many of the essential oils that they produce are sought for in the developing countries where growers and distillers are at the mercy of the users. Many people have benefited from the company through the coalition between the growers and the doTerra oil company. Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils represent the safest and most beneficial oils available in the world today. There are very specific standards the company uses before an essential oil is certified for use. It must be a pure, natural and aromatic compound from the appropriate plant. It is certified after it has been rigorously tested to be free from contaminating substances using mass spectrometry and gas chromatography.

Young Living Oil
This is another distributor of an essential oil. They also distribute their oils all over the world. The invigorating aroma of most of their products is calming and relaxing and is a wonderful addition to baths or massage oils. Young Living oil comes in several forms based on their mode of application. They have the dietary type, which can be used as a diet supplement to attack the strength of the flu. Young Living oil also has a roll on type, the message type to restore muscle pain effect of flu and many others.

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